This is being placed directly to your timeline -- it is a direct email to my friends attention as well as you and your son regarding the state of affairs of disrepair at the Driskill home at 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA --- a calling for #Family-Demand-ForAttention -- the writing of the past 12 hours all complete, should be read by the members to which the writing was directed to --- and to then stand up - show up -- and remain real to the circumstances that the writings of mine place into your frame based mind --- and perhaps a cause and concern of corrective actions. This is no minor post. It contains a link to a facebook event -- that event is scheduled with invites. I expect attention of this family, I expect attendance of this meeting, and if not attendance of meeting time, and if not by an inconvient truth into your life affairs, something else of your is more important than this, that we all come to a real time rational date and time and reschedule this meeting. If that reschedule occurs, it will be attended by the presence of my case manager from

Foothill AIDS Project --- Where installed and actively enforced is what is my signed acceptance signature to a document called:


and that I am legally bound to be in legal jeopardy, criminally, if I do not report these to my case manager as a part of my own mental health wellness interface to social services once again here in San Bernardino ---- There are no options to silence and no option to not hold this meeting priority important matters of consequence to the life affirming presence or the life destructive forces that are occurring in the purchased original property still holding deed as the direct blood line parents of James Martin Driskill and Dennis Wayne Driskill. There is no option that allows you to use facebook to block my connection --- and there is no option that allow you to ignore the mpatapo binding present in the media works placement on the web, that so far Dennis Driskill, you have ignored your content placement addresses there unattached to your emotional stance that you give a flying fuck about Me or Mama or the Driskill Family Wholeness and Wellness --- what kind of creature are you? The one that I know attempted to sexually violate me -- and --- it did not happen -- thanks to an ill fate early arrival to the home of Mama, and Butch the dog's excitement that Mama was coming up Miramonte from the job that she held at the Campus Crusade for Christ on 27th Street and Little Mountain Drive. For in the struggle of things, we know what happened, and I tell the story every single time the same to my friends, that I hold as any honor of knowing me real true friend..... knows this story unfolding here upon the public world of the Friend's network of Dennis Wayne Driskill. As now, Domestic Violence in the home is treated as a health matter, not a criminal one...... that is not true of sexual offenders --- that for what I know I was spared full out right penetration..... but you had my pants down in that struggle and you had you big one thing out of your pants -- ready to plow the hate you have for me . For all things we know of sexual assault, it is not an act of sexual pleasure but an act of hate, control, and mental torment that is --- for sure ---- to the end of life --- life altering -- and for me -- it might be said --- the family violence under the roof has drastically effected my mental health wellness. What of you? And how does that cycle play its part onto your Son and never break the cycle of violence. This post is serving to break it now -- and break it we must! This introduction post on timeline will remain online --- and can only be deleted once a response has been carried on to the facebook action of invite for meeting event scheduled for Sunday August 27th 2017, 11am ---- anyone --- is open to invite a friend to accompany them to this meeting.... so this is semi-structured as community affairs presentations of all things community, we do not ignore domestic violence to repeating unforeseen consequences --- this is those consequences on display -- and it must be displayed because no one seems to have their heads on straight --- and a child, little Shane, is in the time line here -- we must all find the way to the best interest of this child -- and bringing this forward this way -- when I still encounter resistance and threatened violence seems to be the only way to get people talking. We cannot bury this truth. This is weighty truth that must be addressed and fixed. We have no choices here but to proceed in peace -- knowing we have all been fucked up wise to not do this long time ago. Long long time ago... I tried to do this long time ago with this family, and my dearest brother placed the ideal that I, Mr James Martin Driskill abandoned the family for a life in San Francisco as a gay man living in a hate based family not nurturing my identity, not praising my accomplishments, not honoring family matters on the share relationship back to me that I am a valued memeber of this family and deserve to be respected --- in private setting -- and honored to be healed from these youth time presence. There is more to this story for sure.

Web Archive Of Outgoing Email is Filed Here:…/Gmail%20-%20Think%20abo…

You may only remove this post once a response has been given to the event invite feature here on Facebook appropriately. Thank You. If this post is removed or as your past actions have proven your tensions, to block my account from your friends -- this matter is immediately being placed to Adult Protective Services and Child Protective Services for their handling affairs when I leave on August 31st 2017 to never return. I promise I have the resolve and commitment to not hide the truth and consequences of these concerns. I promise these actions will be made. I am legally binded to this by contract agreement -- I would be breaking the law and in legal jeopardy myself if I do not.

Over the past few months, I participated in the creation of a set of principles called "technorealism." It's a set of declarations meant to go beyond the bi-polar visions of cyber-utopianism and neo-Luddism. In another age, this would be considered a manifesto.
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James Martin Driskill These ARE CURRENTLY showing status Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /David.Allen.Driskill/ on this server. [ ]
James Martin Driskill My entire Lucy Record From University of Colorado Hospital -- is filed under my name here -- but as with David's folder --- shows permission status Forbidden. [ ] -- and mama does not have a folder here.
James Martin Driskill 🤥 lies again ?? lies??
James Martin Driskill They will not pass me -- they will not!
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James Martin Driskill Special Issue of Words To Live By here is the affix of the adinkra

"child of the heavens [stars] "

symbol of guardianship

A reminder that God is the father and watches over all people.
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