
Drawing A Line In The Cultural Sandbox.

Drawing A Line In The Cultural Sandbox.

· Hosted by James Martin Driskill
1 Going · 0 Maybe · 10 Invited
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Drawing A Line In The Cultural Sandbox As All Of The Grains Of Sand Are Hidden Within An Unreachable Hourglass Timepiece Clock. [ #Mmere.Dane : Time Changes, Life Dymanics ]

The Time Here is the for the PRIVATE AFFAIRS of the Driskill Family to come together to meet the basic needs of the members within the house here on Grande Vista. First off, to the betterment peace. return arrival to this household is James Martin Driskill offing peace and resolutions solutions to these critical time imperative that we do something --- and that we care.

[ Problem 1 ]:
Mother, is functionally illiterate due to the circumstances here --- as self-harming -- and not spent enough self-supportive activities to retain her through her progressive disability of Macular Degeneration.

[Problem 2]:
With that attitudes instilled into my mothers inability to rationally see the issues here to their therapeutic resource healing, for long standing, it is apparent to all family members of this issue to be able to rational relate to my mother in many factors she relates to "her numbers" over the family dynamics as an apparent result overly involved focus of gambling issues at San Manual Bingo that my father never addressed. So therefore she has these stacks of papers of bingo daubed number sheets that she spends 80% to 90% of her waking time involved on a little table and desk in her bedroom.

[Problem 3]
With that being engaged here today -- it was present at the end of my father's life when I was last here in the home in 2013. I do know for sure that she was fully invested in the good care giving of my father at the later stages of his death by succumbing to Kidney Cancer and died in July of 2013. Something may have snapped off the chart of her esteem here, but the conditions and working elements were already in action at this time. Has she really grieved over her husband to move on or not may be an issue here. I am not sure -- I am not a true mental health professional, but know there is something that is not right working here.

[Problem 4]
On that platform is where we have new house residence of David Driskill with Wife Kathrine Driskill and their then infant son David. He is now 5 years old living under this roof to which the nurturing elements are missing and the pain and shame and wrong turn is about to show where a family neglect is perhaps criminal.

[Problem 5]
The violence that occurred in this home against the owner, my mother Veronica by Katherine was significant to alter the married relationship status of David and Katherine. But the underlying violent tendencies here in this home have never been true to form dealt with properly. That is highly apparent to the author here of this event trying to get the immediate urgent care and concern of his family in [ #Family-Demand-ForAttention ] as addressed both on Facebook and within my personal information system [ network ].

Something drastic needs to be turned off.
Something drastic needs to be turned on.

The line in the sandbox is being placed and a huge yield is being here in this event.

Will anybody care or do i need to leave this home permanently and leave this home to it's own devices to suffer the later predictable future time occurrences. I will not be held to a legal requirement to not report these things in my own social services contract of CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE .

I refuse to cover up the truth. I will leave on the day of the 31st of July to never return if this family does not get it quick, and get involved to the matter of an invitation to meet next Sunday at 11am. One Full Week From Today,.

Thank you kindly for reading this private event.... if this event fails --- this event turns to a public notice of unreasonable intractable conflict instilled in this home.
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With the sms text composed to a recent connection to a friend that I have connected in trust truth to be placed as inclusive of #Kramobone-The.Good, He who is 50 years old, who does not have both parents still alive, and has a huge 60" big screen television for his entertainment and holds a smart phone with just mobile data [ exclusively extracted without wifi access ] into his social media life to have met him on the social dating app, Grindr. He shows great pride to have ...on his wall framed and proudly displayed that he has completed "12 hours of parenting classes". He is the man I so choose to know I have space to go when the family fails to see where the stage of under development of family relations unity is creating a new generation of a 5 year old, my great nephew Shane, of functional illiteracy. He is extremely smart, but that is not the issue. The house here is being over ruled by loss of control behaviors and out right foolish actions against the family unit that lives here at : 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405.

Dennis Driskill [ To his Friends Timeline This Post Will Go ]

David Driskill [ His Son, my nephew ]

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It is estimated that 32 million American adults are functionally illiterate.
James Martin Driskill And if we place what is my mother's held beliefs into respect --- this information must be shared to her respectfully in Christian terms [ ] : But I am unable to get it through to my mother that as a functioning previously literate adult, that currently she does not have the technology tool set to engage forward --- she is left to be with the status of "unable to read" in writing by her care giver in this home, David Driskill. That is not true. I have tested her reading ability aptitude and I tell you this is true. this has not been tested.... but With the basic ANDROID OS on my mobile device, using the firefox web browser which has zoom up text capabilities..... she is in the cross over that she would be reading text on this browser without the magnifier present that is a part of the device. That if she had been using a smart phone or any other type of internet interface that I have been pleading with my mother to place into her daily life, she would have naturally progressed onto the magnify mode much much more graciously and easily. This has never been placed as a part of the importance from the Dennis Driskill side of family members of the Driskill family united. That my dearest brother is your issue of fault onto this circumstances for which the outcomes I describe above of violence in this home continuing to be non-addressed is your moral responsibility to correct. But I have engaged to what I will place as an ultimatum, for I have no other choice. Mama would be much much more independent and much much more happier if she could read the daily newspaper at the very least. She does not realize how important those routines and the loss of them has effected her. She does not realize her fate if she does not cooperate at this stage and go full on into action and address of her functional illerate status and stop making excuses for not doing this long time ago. Her mother is as they call it, spinning in her grave over the fog of domestic violence that Mama has had in her life that Daddy has been the principle cause for. I do not see that Grandmother Dana Driskill and Grandfather George Driskill have this trauma within their personality and souls to the end of lives. Yes, I do remember Grandpa very well, ---- Remember when he used to drive and the turn signal was always on. Remember that? Remember the visits to the barber? Remember that? Remember driving with him in this mustang and the parking curb indicator [ a scraper ] that told him he was right at the curb and correctly parked. I have never ever seen a feature of a car with that device [ not that it does not exist ]. Just that it forever more has etched meme memory that I know both of us as their grandchildren hold in both of our minds and structures of our brains. Remember that he always like his coffee boiling, still boiling 200° F Hot. Yes, you remember and so do I. And to remember them his to dishonor them and the Driskill Legacy and Family by allowing the circumstances in this house here to continue as dynamically dysfunctional is our very own brother to brother interpersonal relationship broken. 😭🙃😵🤥😖 I call upon God and Goddess and Mother Fire Dancer Veronica Ann Warnick Driskill's guardian 😇 that we do what is for the best of both Mama and Shane in the generation gap that is held under the roof of this home. GOD FORBIDS you to ignore this event and it's postings.
James Martin Driskill With the Magnification Setting on Her New Mobile Device, she is at 40% magnification with 60% left to progress through. Really disturbed to not understand these things, and really disturbed --- to not be completely honest and stop self-deceiving her o...See More
James Martin Driskill Part 1 of 3 : Audio Spoken Voice [🗣️ Text : Play Time 4 Mins and 40 Secs :
James Martin Driskill Part 2 of 3 : Audio Spoken Voice [🗣️] Text : Play Time 7 Mins 34 Secs :
James Martin Driskill Part 3 of 3 : Audio Spoken Voice [🗣️] Text : Play Time 8 Mins 2 Secs :
James Martin Driskill This Family Affairs Event, reflecting PRIVATE, on Facebook Web Filed [ Open Public ] at: [ ] and do me, your brother a favor and invite Deb Kick and any other local family members to be present next Sunday. She still has her status blocked for unacceptable behaviors unbecoming a nurse practitioner of Kaiser.
With the sms text composed to a recent connection to a friend that I have connected in trust truth to be placed as inclusive of #Kramobone-The.Good, He who is 50 years old, who does not have both parents still alive, and has a huge 60" big screen television for his entertainment and holds a smart ph...
James Martin Driskill I am going to invite my supporting friend counsel Kevin LL Sims as a leaning mark of something of good that is lacking in this family. I do not know if he will or will not attend, but I have his home to fall upon as REFUSE AND SAFE SPACE 24/7 against the violent tendency of members in this house against me to leave this --- the conditions unacceptable --as is --- the status quo. An apology from David is deserving and mother wants that apology forced against him --- and that is the problem -- for there is no acceptance of a false apology and there is no acceptance of false promise here. Now or Never --- we either do this or we don't - there is no such thing as try.